
Brainstorm Guild documentation


Quest Page Here


I made the start here quest to guide the students like BootCamp did. A new profile was the next smart option. Later I went back and put #E m p h a s i s on filling out the Origin and Intent fields. I need them filled out to use my gameon clipboard, and I understand Skocko’s #F r u s t r a t i o n. So letting them know what damage is early on was interesting. Next I made Guild quest, and put in each guild, Integrity, Brainstorm, and Academia for 30 gold each. Pretty cheap, but that’s how much gold they have from that point. I don’t know how to prevent them from buying more than one (if they come back to it… they won’t have enough to buy 2 on the spot), but I think I’m just gunna have to trust them on this one. I linked to each Guild page so they can learn about the Guild before buying.

Fast forward to 10/25, I finally posted the Guild quest after creating all the Guild pages. I then started up with the Brainstorm quests, putting the first three. The first one (Initiation) outlines what brainstorm is for, and asks them to fill out a google form saying how they will contribute. I’ll collect these and add it to a Admin Page on the website. I’m thinking I’ll have them make their own bio on the admin page next to their response so people can see who the admins are and what they do. Next quest is Integration, where they make a page just like this one. They will document their work in the MiniLab, and add it to their profile, along with sending it in a google form to me. The third quest I made is Collaboration, and us admins are going to set up a slacker groupchat to talk about changes and work to do.


I started on Integrity quests, and so far its going good. Grit is an intro to Integrity guild. It shows them what Integrity guild is by throwing them straight into quests. I would have the first quests be a Habitica quest, but I’d rather leave that up to Hunter, the expert in that area (I’d link to his MiniDocumentation, but he hasn’t had any time to work on the MiniLab yet). In the first inteGRITy quest (clever pun, right?), I have them do their homework that day. It’s not a lot of gold, because that’s an easy quest for most. Drive is yet another quest, showing people they need drive to be in the Integrity guild. The quest content is tied into actually driving, for those who can. They are supposed to drive the speedlimit for an entire week (I thought that was a clever pun yet again).


I am shelling out Brainstorm quests to get this MiniLab rolling. The more I focus on getting the Brainstorm team going, the more quests and development the MiniLab will undergo. In no particular order, I released Spark to show quest writers a way to make quest videos really fast with Adobe Spark. The next one was a request for them to update the Brainstorm page with their profile, so every student can see the admin who release quests and work on this project.

Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 10.53.44 AM.png

I made Quest for my Brainstormers. This is about secrets. We will add secrets into the MiniLab, so look out for them!


More Secrets O.o



The first quest introduces them to MiniHonor by giving them a Mini Gift of 1 MH. I created this item, limited it to 1, and used the ID to insert a shortcode into the quest. A successful trial of using store items and all their versatility. Next was the Guilds for them to purchase for 30 gold. I was running Gameon 2.6.0 so the MiniHonor they got applied to the negative store items. Skocko informed me to upgrade, so I downloaded the latest release of Gameon from Github and installed that. I’m surprised how well they coded it so that all my settings were saved. Last is damage, and I introduced that in the Profile quest. And I added a repair after writing this, I think I will put the price at 10 gold. But to throw in my little change, I’m going to give 10 MXP because I think users do gain experience from repairing damage after getting it. That’s how I treat MXP anyway.


You can also see I added a MiniHonor. That’s a bonus loot item, and I think I will implement percentages of getting it into most quests. Higher percentage for harder quests.


I added Number 1-4 and a secret badge for this quest loot. The quest was called “quest” so see that for more explanation. The secret badge will also be awarded to the MiniLab student that cracks the code for the highest level secret, called “Number 4” and the Brainstormer who made that secret gets it too.


I needed more items to my MiniStore page. It had damage and repair, so I added this fun one to spruce it up. It gives you a badge (see badges).



I started off with a StartHere page to talk all about the MiniLab and what it is. Next was MiniStore, and so far I haven’t populated it with too much. The next is ImagineAgain, a MiniLab version of (re)imagine. I am proud of that, but think it needs a little tweaking. I see how sometimes it’s a little hard to write about your ideas in a way that people will understand. Revisions are necessary. Next I decided to make a static homepage so new students can find the StartHere page, even though its obviously labeled to go there first. Last was my POD page called GuildQuests, because I never really liked the term POD (point of distribution). Also as you can tell, I love to make CamelCaseWords, but I abhor CamelCase that starts with a lowercase. I’m a rebel, and I think my version is #S u p e r i o r. It also allows for a nice MiniLabTheme of consistent titles and text.



I made some badges to add to the MiniLab, and it was fun to make them. I am going to award them at every 5 levels. I might have to add more depending on how the students progress. To track progression, I have my Admin account do all the Brainstorm quests, and my school account do all the integrity quests. This way I can see how they will be affected by boosts and how expensive items should be.


This is what the Secret Badge looks like. You get it by either making a top level secret (Brainstorm Guild) or completing the secret.


I made this silly badge to accompany a MiniStore item. It costs 50 gold, and this badge gets awarded to the user.



This is the Brainstorm crew so far. Me, HunterBacon, MiniMan, morstix, and RudySan. I want my Brainstorm members to make MiniDocumentation, so I will link that to their names listed as they make it. I didn’t link me because you’re on this page!