Week 3









Week In Review: So this is what I got for my book club so far. The left of which I used this mockup and this font. The right I got a picture from pexels. Pretty fun! I did the ZIM! quest and it really clicked for me this time. With inspiration, I made a helper guide for those who don’t quite get what it means just yet. Here is a rough draft of what I mean. The words might be changed, and it’s gunna need some typography, but hopefully it makes more sense to some people. The black text is the tips to working towards the middle ZIM!


Self Guided Learning: Still progressing with Deke’s tutorial, I learned that if you scan a graphic you made that you can trace it in Illustrator. Ok, I knew that so what’s the big deal? I was stunned to find out that if you go over to Photoshop and upsample that image, the tracing results turn out way better! For those who thinks that sounds crazy, the highest he could scan in was 300 ppi so that was all he could work with. If you put that in illustrator, you have to adjust the threshold really high (tracing darker and darker grays) for it to look pretty good. but when you up sample it in Photoshop, you give the algorithm more to work with so you have more sensitivity on the threshold level to really dial it in. And he doesn’t stop blowing my mind, because he is continuing to show me new tips to get the best traced image. Always open the advanced options 😉 And here I was thinking that the trace tool was mediocre. The more I get into this advanced course, the more I see that this program is so powerful!

Week 3 Effort: This week was a good week. I had a fun time even though we were cut a little short on Wednesday. And even though Friday’s short its Odin’s march so no teachers planned to do anything but fun things anyway. I had a seemingly endless amount of quests at my disposal so trying this week was easy! I came in more than 30 min early everyday and still there was more to do. That’s what I really like about the MacLab, like life, you’re never really finished. I still found things to do and worked continuously. I earned Rubric: You gave it your all: A

Week 4 Goal: Next week I wish to make the ZIM! helper even better. I really like to content in the poster and might have to make a video to explain it. Once it is explained, I’m sure it can help many MacLab students understand ZIM!

Long Term Goal: Well I am excited for the POD quests that combine Illustrator and Photoshop, because that is exactly what my long term goal is. My other long term goal needs some waiting on, because I am still awaiting a friend to contact me to help.

Reflection: Woke up today to a gorgeous sunrise. Well actually, I woke up before that. But it was stunning. It has some significance to me because right before the sun rose I decided to really cramp down on my youtube time. Youtube sucks my time up if I’m not careful, and after particularly long sessions I get a headache and don’t feel to well-rounded. Point is, it doesn’t make me feel good so I’m going to simplify my time. I am migrating to a new youtube account (my old one had almost 300 people I was subscribed to, and so much clickbait on my homescreen) and on this new account I will only keep youtubers worthwhile of my time. I will open youtube with a purpose, and not just to blow away a few hours. For a while youtube got to be a problem, where I wouldn’t get stuff done that I wanted to. A night would go by without me even getting near my goals. So now that I have a fresh start, I will be able to continue watching the programs that I like, but will finally be subtracting the nonsense that I used to fill the void with.

Author: icebear

I am a student in Digital Arts.

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